Spring 2025
When Visiting Campus
If you plan to visit campus for any reason, even if as an invited guest, please check with your campus contact for any special considerations or precautions for your visit. Also, take the time to familiarize yourself with the following general guidelines.
If you feel sick, stay home.
UC Merced Students, Faculty, and Staff: Do Your Part
Remain Up-to-Date with Vaccination
All individuals who are active on UC Merced controlled property must be in compliance with the UC Policy on Vaccination Programs and the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) and Influenza Vaccination Program. The COVID-19 and Influenza Vaccination Program requires students and employees to be up-to-date on COVID-19 and Influenza vaccination or affirmatively decline before physically accessing UC Merced property.
Employees are required to complete a COVID-19 Vaccination Attestation or Declination in the WorkHealth Solutions Portal. Individuals who are not up-to-date but interested in receving COVID-19 vaccination can find a local vaccine clinic through the MyTurn website. Once you receive your vaccine, complete the COVID-19 Vaccination Attestation in the WorkHealth Solutions Portal. For more detailed information, visit the Vaccine Policy page.
In addition to COVID-19 vaccination, it is strongly encouraged that all employees and students remain up-to-date with annual Influenza vaccination. Employees are required to complete the 2024 - 2025 Flu Vaccination Attestation or Declination in the WorkHealth Solutions Portal. Students can upload flu vaccination documentation to the MyHealth Portal.
Student Health Services - Flu Vaccination Information
Consider Wearing a Mask
- Mask Distribution Location: Student Health Center (Health & Athletic Center 2nd Floor)
Stay Home When Sick
- If you have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID19, regardless of vaccination status, quarantine is not required if you are NOT currently experiencing symptoms.
- If you begin to experience symptoms, follow these instructions.
Healthy Behaviors
Wash Your Hands. Individuals should appropriately wash their hands several times a day, especially after being in a public place and touching an item or surface that was likely touched by others.
Respect Individual Choices
Those who wear face coverings when optional, keep physically distant, and/or refrain from handshakes, etc. are doing what they feel is necessary to protect themselves or loved ones, and will be free from judgement in our Bobcat community.