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COVID Positive

If you have tested positive for COVID19:

  • Complete the COVID19 Positive Survey to notify Occupational Health.
  • Per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines (workers in a healthcare setting are also subject to following the guidelines in AFL 21-08.9):
    • Stay home if you have COVID-19 symptoms.  It is a minimum of 24 hours from the day of symptom onset.  You may return to school/work if you have not had a fever for 24 hours without using fever reducing medication AND other COVID-19 symptoms​ are mild and improving.​ 
      • ​​If you do not have symptoms, you should follow the recommend​​ed actions below to reduce exposure to others. 
    • Take added precautions over the next 5 days* such as taking additional steps for cleaner air, hygiene, masks, physical distancing, and/or testing.
      • Per Cal/OSHA COVID-19 Prevention Non-Emergency Regulations, employees (including student employees) must wear a face covering in the workplace for a total of 10 day following the onset of COVID-19 symptoms or if asymptomatic, following the date of the first positive COVID-19 test.

    • Seek Treatment​. If you have symptoms, particularly if you are at higher risk for severe COVID-19, speak with a healthcare provider as soon as you test positive. Students may contact UCM Student Health Services.  You may be eligible for antiviral medicines or other treatments for COVID-19. COVID-19 antiviral medicines work best if taken as soon as possible, and within 5-7 days from when symptoms start.  
      • If you are uninsured or have trouble reaching a health care provider quickly, Sesame Care is a telehealth option that helps you talk with a health care provider at a low-cost.

*The potential infectious period is 2 days before the date of symptoms began or the positive test date (if no symptoms) through Day 10. (Day 0 is the symptom onset date or positive test date).