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2023 Holiday Calendar

New Year Holiday Monday, January 2, 2023
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Monday, January 16
President's Day Monday, February 20
Cesar Chavez Holiday Friday, March 31
Memorial Day Monday, May 29
Juneteenth Day Monday, June 19
Independence Day Tuesday, July 4
Labor Day Monday, September 4
Veteran's Day Friday, November 10
Thursday, November 23
Friday, November 24
Winter Holiday
Monday, December 25
Tuesday, December 26
Winter Curtailment
Wednesday, December 27
Thursday, December 28
New Year Holiday
Friday, December 29, 2023
Monday, January 1, 2024


Curtailment is the term used when normal campus operations are reduced; the time is unpaid. There are two ways employees can choose to cover the unpaid time:

  • Accrued vacation time
  • Compensatory time (if eligible)

who don't have enough accrued vacation hours can use up to three days of vacation credits in advance. For represented employees, curtailment days are handled according to contract provisions or collective bargaining agreements. Check with your bargaining unit representative to see how you're specifically affected.

For additional information, PPSM-2.210 or contact